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February 8, 2022


Pierce County, WA – February 8, 2022– The 2022 Daffodil Festival is eager to contribute as “HopeRises” in Pierce County as they welcome back the Grand Floral Parade, along with announcing otherfestival events. The first traditional Grand Floral Parade since 2019 will galavant down the streets ofTacoma, Puyallup, Sumner, and Orting on Saturday, April 9, 2022. Also returning for the Parade is the abrand new Queen’s Float, to feature all 23 members of the Royal Court, sponsored in full by the PuyallupTribe of Indians. Pierce County community members are invited to experience the revival of this tradition! 

In addition to the Grand Floral Parade, the 2022 Daffodil Festival Royal Court will be participating in eventsand making appearances within Pierce County throughout the year. Events include the annual PrincessPromenade on Sunday, February 27, 2022, Queen’s Coronation on Sunday, March 27, 2022, TacomaYacht Club Marine Parade on Sunday, April 24, 2022, Princess Tea on Sunday, May 1, 2022, and othervolunteer events, serving across Pierce County.

Princess Promenade is where the 2022 Princess Candidates will become official Ambassadors ofGoodwill to Pierce County and premiere this year’s regalia, which was fully funded by Community Donorsthrough the Festival’s “Sponsor-a-Princess” Campaign in January 2022. This private event is closed to thepublic and reserved for Princess Families and Friends of the Festival, and will be held on Sunday,February 27, 2022. Photos to follow.

Queen’s Coronation will be both in person and live-streamed from Silas High School Theater where the2022 Daffodil Queen is crowned. One of the 23 Princesses will be chosen as this year’s Queen to reignover the many Festival activities throughout this season. Each Princess will be judged on her academicstanding, speaking ability, appearance, sociability, speech content, Festival awareness, impromptuspeaking ability, and attitude. This event will be available to watch through a free live-stream to the publicon Sunday, March 27, 2022, time TBD. 

The Tacoma Yacht Club Marine Parade sails past Ruston Way to the Foss Waterway. Boats featuringelaborate daffodil decor inspired by this year’s theme, Hope Rises, can be enjoyed by the communityalong the Tacoma Waterfront. The public is welcome to view the 70th year of this tradition on Sunday,April 24, 2022. 

Princess Tea includes visiting with Daffodil Princesses and Queen, a manners lesson, the Royal Courtsong and dance performance, and playing with princesses and peers. Tickets cost $25 per person whichincludes: refreshments, an official 2022 Royal Court poster, and tiara for all children in attendance. Eventsubject to change pending Covid-19 related restriction updates. This year’s Princess Tea will be held atLaurel Creek Manor in Sumner and is scheduled for Sunday, May 1, 2022. 

This year’s “Read with a Princess” partnership with the Pierce County Library System will return with virtualappearances. “Read with a Princess” times will be determined at a later date. 

The Daffodil Festival prioritizes the health and safety of the Royal Court, Daffodilians, and the community.The Festival is committed to comply with all health and safety regulations as mandated by the State ofWashington and the Pierce County Health Department, and can be subject to event changes due to theseguidelines. 

Follow the Daffodil Festival on Facebook, Instagram (@daffodilfestival), and Twitter (@Daffodil365) to stayup to date on upcoming events. Additional information on Daffodil Festival information can be found ontheir website, 

The Daffodil Festival is made possible through community contributions including sponsorships from TheOld Cannery, The Puyallup Tribe of Indians, and Festival supporters like you! 


The Daffodil Festival has celebrated over 89 years in the great state of Washington, fostering the spirit andgrowth of Pierce County through its mission of bettering our local communities. Traditionally, the GrandFloral Street Parade travels through four Pierce County communities on Parade Day – Tacoma, Puyallup,Sumner, and Orting.

The Daffodil Parade has marched through our great community every year since 1934, except for thewar years of 1942 (festivities only, no parade), 1943, 1944, and 1945, as well as 2020 (due to the globalpandemic). Last year’s partnership with the Washington State Spring Fair commenced the first“stationary” parade in the Daffodil Festival’s history to ensure the safety of our community members andbeloved parade participants. We plan to resume the Grand Floral Parade this year on April 9, 2022. 

Our Pierce County Community has viewed the Daffodil Festival as a premier headline event, secondonly to the Washington State Fair. The Daffodil Festival is proud to be a significant event in the Pacific Northwest.


To learn more about the Daffodil Festival, the Festival Blog, and view official updates, 

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