Our Official
Festival Events
Along with Daffodil Festival Organized events, we partner with a variety of local organizations who are deeply involved in our community.
The Daffodil Festival originated in 1934 as a celebration of the agriculture industry in the Puyallup and Sumner area. The Daffodil Parade became an annual event where the community gathered, and the daffodil was the exhalted symbol. The celebration gradually grew to make its way through four Pierce County cities in a single day.
Despite the loss of the daffodil farmers throughout the years, Pierce County is still fertile ground, continuing to sprout new ideas and ways of thinking, ingenuity, industry, and innovation. The parade still hosts the beautiful golden flowers, but the true celebration continues to revolve around the community from which it originates, and the people whose hands have built the festival from the very beginning. The high school bands, floats, businesses and local organizations, all hold strong ties to the streets they march, walk, and ride over in the parade. It is for this reason that the Daffodil Festival still flourishes.
This Festival thrives, when Pierce County is at its strongest; when the support and spirit of its diverse communities come together. When they share their talents, and take part in a grand tribute to the land they live in, magic happens. That’s the Parade, showcasing a community at its best.

Mental Health Awareness
Alex's Promise
Through Alex’s Promise, the Daffodil Festival has partnered with alumnae and professionals in the mental health fields to build upon the Daffodil Festival Royal Court’s designated role as “Good Will Ambassadors of Pierce County,” bringing awareness to and ending the stigma around mental health issues, violence prevention resources, and more, while continuing their annual impact throughout Pierce County and the Pacific Northwest.
What Pierce County
Says About Us
"It is an amazing event we have gone to the parade every year in Sumner since we moved here, my youngest has grown up with it and she really wants to be a princess when she is old enough. Thank you for all you do."
"Today is the third day in a row my granddaughter has worn her Princess Tea tiara to kindergarten… Never doubt the impact you as a Daffodil Princess have on the young impressionable youth of Pierce County. You also impressed her mother, not an easy task I can assure you. Thank you so much for being so giving of your selves."
"From your friends at The Marysville Strawberry Festival, THANK YOU DAFFODIL FOLKS for an outstanding day of parades! We had a wonderful time spending the weekend with you! And we were so excited to see how engaging the communities of Tacoma, Puyallup, Sumner and Orting are for the festival! Thanks for your terrific hospitality, dear friends!"
"The history, the present, the future. The Parade has been a part of my life since I was a child. So proud that our Sons of Norway is able to take part in our community by participating. So much fun!"

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