

Your monetary contribution can help many facets of the Festival in its quest to serve Pierce County, including (but not limited to):

  • Float Building & Maintenance
  • Semi Truck & Maintenance
  • Royal Court Program Expenditures
  • Royalty Chaperone & Travel Expenses
  • Venue Rental & Equipment Costs
  • Grand Floral Parade Expenses
    … and more!

Thank you for choosing to support the Daffodil Festival.

If you are interested in a Corporate Sponsorship or other opportunities, please contact us. To donate via PayPal (click here).

SKU: donation-5470 Category: Tag:
Fundraising Disclaimer:

If you're interested in making a donation of more that $500, in-kind donations, or business partnerships and sponsorships, please contact us directly.

In the event our fundraising goal is surpassed for a specific part of our budget, excess funds will be reallocated within the Daffodil Festival general fund. We value your support.

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